From Wall Street to the Farm: Meet America’s Most Beloved Chicken-Keeping Guru

Lisa Steele flew the corporate coop to return to her roots. Now she's spreading the joy of the 'fresh eggs daily' lifestyle. Lisa Steele, a country girl at heart, left the flashy world of high finance in New York City to return to a simpler, rural life reminiscent of her childhood days on the farm. Now she’s a veritable chicken influencer with her own brand, Fresh Eggs Daily, with more than 2.4 million unique visitors to her site per year and a social media following of more than 900,000 fans.

How to Empower Your Kids by Making Vision Boards

One of the blessings of being a parent is the reward of celebrating your children’s accomplishments. You get to witness all their hard work—the progress and the setbacks. And through it all, you are their No. 1 cheerleader, always ready with a celebratory high-five or a sympathetic hug. A vision board is a fun and effective visual tool to help you empower your kids to be their best selves and to help them keep on track and focused on working toward accomplishing their goals. Simply put, a visi

Practical Life Skills You Can Teach Your Kids Through Homeschooling

As dedicated homeschooling parents, your goal is to ensure your kids receive a well-balanced education. As loving parents, you look beyond academics. You strive to equip your kids with the essential life skills they’ll need to grow and mature into thriving, independent adults. Thankfully, homeschooling gives you the freedom to incorporate practical life skills lessons into your homeschool program. Start with the basics like cooking and cleaning when your kids are young. Young children have a na

Coping with Stress: Simple Strategies for Homeschool Moms

Homeschool moms are busy women who take multitasking to a new level, so learning strategies for coping with stress is important. Even those with a more laid-back personality or approach to homeschooling can still feel stressed. As someone who’s struggled with anxiety for years, I know the effects of stress intimately. Stress can be defeated. Don’t give up! Gather the tools and the knowledge to both prevent and remedy the symptoms of stress with these simple strategies.

Poetry, Percentages, and Pups

Do you want to boost your children’s learning? Homeschooling with your dog can work wonders. The beauty of homeschooling is the freedom to learn anywhere, any time, and alongside your favorite pup. Kids and dogs share a strong bond. Our dog, Pip, was happiest snuggled up against one of my two children as they read, conducted an experiment, solved long division problems, or brainstormed ideas for a history project. We lost Pip last year, but I can’t imagine how they would have felt all those ye

Holy Family Manor Puts the Personal in Personal Care

Holy Family Manor certainly does put the personal in Personal Care Homes. Upon arrival at The Trexler Pavilion, one of Holy Family’s personal care homes, one gets a sense of home. In its youth, Trexler Pavilion was indeed home to the former Bethlehem Steel President, Edmund F. Martin. Pretty colorful flowers and grand old trees adorn the front yard while potted plants and comfortable rocking chairs greet you on the lovely shaded front porch. Ahh, just like home! A lovely feeling of days gone by envelops you as you enter this stately home.

5 practical ways to motivate your teens to write

Motivating your teens can be a challenge. Motivating them to put their thoughts down in writing is, well, priceless. Do you have a strong writer who simply doesn’t like to write? Here are ways to make the writing task more appealing and motivate your teens to write. Many teenagers get part-time jobs with a single end in mind—earning money that they can spend however they choose. They are even willing to do distasteful or boring jobs to have an opportunity to fill their wallets with spending cas